Parenting Advice

How to Keep Your Home Organized Simply and Easily

Staying organized as a parent doesn’t have to be that difficult, even if your schedule is jam-packed. We understand the enormous responsibility that comes with parenting. Here’s how to ensure you get to everything in a day.

Stay in communication with each other

One way to get the ball rolling (and stay rolling) is not to let the lines of communication fall by the wayside. Because when everyone is on the same page and excited about the family goals, it becomes easier to implement rules and set expectations for what is required of each and every family member when it comes to keeping the house in order.

Create a vision board

Vision boards are useful when it comes to goal setting. You could even apply this concept to keeping your home more organized if that’s one of your goals. Here, it’s about depicting what you want your home to look like, what you want it to represent, and how you want it to make you feel when you’re there. Furthermore, it is a creative, fun, and cheap way to put your brainstorming skills to the test.

Embrace the digital world

While there are pros and cons to becoming too reliant on digital technology, it is still an extremely valuable tool to use if you want to stay on top of chores, appointments, to-dos, and even calorie intake. Again, it’s all got to do with what your goals are as a family. For example, if it’s about consuming healthier, well-balanced, easy-to-prepare meals every night, then apps like Plan to Eat and Noom are good options to go with. If staying on top of your chores and to-dos is important, the Cozi app should be sufficient. If it’s about storing all your important documentation in one place, then an extract PDF tool might just do the trick if you want to combine vital records such as your child’s medical history and schooling history in one place. With this tool, all you need to do is extract the pages you need and put them into a new PDF file, so you can find them when you need them.

Calendaring your to-dos

If you’re more old-school and appreciate the visual appeal of a traditional calendar, you could always go this cost-effective route to keep everyone informed of what’s on the agenda next. What’s more, there are numerous ways to make your family calendar more visually interesting and compelling by adding pictures, colors, memorable motivational sayings, etc., to the calendar to create a sense of excitement when someone looks at it.

Keep up with it

Along with keeping up with your goals to be organized, you also have to be determined to stick to the program so that you don’t fall back into previous habits. So if you’ve gone to all the effort of decluttering, and your home is looking stylishly minimalistic, keep it that way until you are absolutely sure that you have space for that next item you want. Or that you can at least rearrange the room to make space for whatever is next. 

As can be seen, keeping your home in tip-top shape doesn’t have to be a back-breaking exercise. Simply use the tools you have available to make the most of this opportunity to get your home and household up to the standard you need it to be.

Image via Pexels