Parenting Advice

Tips on How Your Kids Can Have Indoor Fun When Outdoor Fun Is Not a Possibility

Entertaining your kids indoors can be daunting because there’s only so much you can do inside. That said, here’s how to make the most of an indoor opportunity to help keep your kid entertained, however short or long that may be.

Conduct at-home science experiments

Most kids love to witness things oozing, exploding, and changing color. This is where conducting a science experiment at home can keep your kids thoroughly entertained while also letting them learn about key concepts regarding scientific formulas and chemical elements, for example.

Board games still work well at keeping kids busy

Board games still work remarkably well at keeping kids busy for hours on end. Moreover, there are also educational components to board games that can help your child count, memorize, and even solve problems. A few examples of board games that kids love these days include Cluedo, Guess Who? and Scrabble, just to name a few. 

Plant an indoor garden

Just because your kids aren’t outside doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the therapeutic benefits of gardening. For example, you could try planting an indoor garden with them using seedlings from plants that thrive indoors, such as Succulents, Snake Plants, or the Peace Lily. Indoor gardening is a great way to boost their self-confidence and knowledge of cause and effects as they watch how their seedlings begin to flower over time. 

Keeping them busy while you work

Suppose you work from home and want to keep your kids occupied while you are busy, then allowing them some time for digital education might be a good idea. But only while you’re working so that they don’t become too dependent on screen time. Furthermore, they appreciate the time you do give them even more when it’s not allowed all the time. 

Test out some new recipes

It’s never too early to learn how to cook; this is a life skill they can improve upon as they grow and become more confident in their cooking skills. It is also a fun way to experiment with new recipes you’ve never tried before as you bond over doing something special together. Furthermore, cooking and baking allow you to learn more about measurements and math and can often be like a science experiment on its own as you wait for the result. 

Encourage them to do arts and crafts

Arts and crafts are almost always a winner for kids, as they get to express their creativity in weird and wacky ways. Moreover, their fine motor skills are often further developed through creating one-of-a-kind artwork. Arts and crafts can also help boost your child’s confidence, especially when they can display a project they are particularly proud of.

Try out imaginative play

Again, imaginative play is a pastime many kids enjoy as they get to dream up a character they would love to be. Furthermore, your child will enjoy the opportunity to express themselves freely as they interact with their siblings or other friends their age. Imaginative play is also good for communication and social skills, as well as also teaching young children about self-regulating emotions in different situations. 

Certainly, there are ways and means of keeping your kids occupied while you work from home by simply exploring your options and being creative about it.

Image via Pexels